Aug 12 2013

The Brad Fritcher + trois project to perform Aug. 13 in Montague

White Lake Beacon General News

Posted: 8-12-2013

photo by Brother Bear Productions

The Brad Fritcher + trois project (pronounced Buh-rad Ph-rich-er plus twah) consists of four eager musicians who are expanding their artistic vision beyond the strict confines of the jazz genre’s tradition.
After their first rehearsal on Grand Valley State University’s campus, the trio of Brad Fritcher (trumpet), Dutcher Snedeker (piano) and Christian VanDuinen (drums) knew immediately that they were working with something valuable. Shortly thereafter, Ryan Wallace drifted into the bass position and into the studio at Blue Lake Public Radio they went. The album that came forth is one that conveys each member’s ability to communicate intellectually and musically to themselves, each other and the listener. After the release of the album, the Brad Fritcher + trois continues to tether audiences to their concepts and their sound with live and intimate performances.

The Arts Council of White Lake welcomes The Brad Fritcher + trois project to its free Tuesday Night Concert Series on Tuesday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m., at the Montague Band Shell.

Fritcher is a true artist, and his artistic interests go well beyond music. Fritcher uses music to paint a portrait of himself and his influences. He pays a musical tribute to artists such as Flying Lotus, Terence Blanchard, Medeski Martin and Wood, Talib Kweli, John Coltrane and The Mars Volta. With their new album out Blue Lake Studio Sessions, on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and Spotify, it is surely an album that will hold the interest of music fans of nearly any genre. Fritcher’s music will challenge listeners’ perception of jazz and help fans gain a better understanding of who Brad Fritcher is, not just as a musician, but as an artist and a person.

Snedeker is a Grand Rapids pianist with a long history of performance. Coming from a musical family filled with parents, three uncles, and grandparents who have all made a path in music, he has grown surrounded by a variety of music styles. A current sophomore at GVSU, his classical training of 13 years, combined with six years of performing jazz, all meet with a desire to blend styles from metal to Jazz to R&B. Taking in the teachings of local pianists like Giuseppe Lupis, Steve Talaga, and Kurt Ellenburger, the balance between the Classical and Jazz world became easier to bridge and opportunities started to come forward. From gigging in Jazz combos and Rock groups, to accompanying saxophonists and Jazz artists like Downie, joining Brad Fitcher in his pursuit of creating live, personal music that blends styles and gets others to groove and connect with one another feels like the next natural step.Dutcher has been a musician for his entire life in Grand Rapids, in urban ministries, in a Gospel/Contemporary Christian worship settings, at local music festivals, and for weddings and special events.

At the age of eight, VanDuinen became interested in drums and started to take lessons from various local drum kit teachers. VanDuinen graduated from an excellent music program at Northview High School; where he played in Jazz Ensemble, Combo and also sang in the Honor’s Choir; Varsity Voices. He has performed at the Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, The Irish on Ionia Festival, the Detroit Jazz Festival and numerous others. He is a merit winner in the category of ‘Contemporary Instrumental Ensemble’ for the National Fine Arts of the Assemblies of God churches.

VanDuinen is currently studying Music Education and Composition at Grand Rapids Community College. He plays in several groups in Grand Rapids, including the Billies Irish Band, Grand River Winds and Brad Fritcher + trois. VanDuinen plans to finish his Associates of the Arts at GRCC and attend Western Michigan University to study further in his chosen path.

From concert halls, to jazz clubs, to punk houses, Wallace has been performing all of his life. Experimenting in many genres has given him the ability to find the groove and keep his sound interesting. He is always looking to expand his abilities, and is always ready for the next adventure.

No matter what style of music pleases you, the Brad Fritcher + trois project will sure to keep its audience guessing at what they are going to pull out next. They will be returning to Montague from 7:30-9:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17 to perform at the Book Nook and Java Shop.

For more information on Brad Fritcher + trois project, contact Brother Bear Productions at or the ACWL or 231-893-2524.

Aug 12 2013

Android users, Get the FREE Brad Fritcher + trois App!

Android users can download the FREE Brad Fritcher + trois App! Stay up-to-date with the latest videos, photos, news, and tour schedule. You may scan the QR code or follow the directions.

Aug 12 2013

Brad Fritcher joins Garrett Borns to record Mary Brown!

Check out trumpeter Brad Fritcher of Brad Fritcher + trois playing upright bass on the recording of Mary Brown by Los Angeles based singer, multi-intrumentalist & song writer Garrett Borns!‪ #‎børns‬ ‪#‎garrettborns‬ ‪#‎BBPpresents‬ ‪#‎BFplustrois‬ ‪#‎nextlevel‬‪ #‎revue‬ ‪#‎marybrown‬

Aug 11 2013

Breathe Owl Breathe's van and gear stolen in Berkeley, CA!

Below is a note from the touring musicians of indie folk group Breathe Owl Breathe -- their van was stolen last night in Berkeley, and they need your help in tracking it down. Sadly, all of their musical equipment, gear, clothing, and laptops were in the vehicle.
The band has provided a list of the specific instruments taken. Here's the info:
Last night between midnight and 11 am from the Berkeley Hills area (Oakland, CA). Everything we own was in the vehicle. All of our musical equipment, including a laptop, and clothing. Please share this post far and wide- help get the word out! If you see a 1998 Ford Econoline Van (see picture) anywhere in the Bay Area or beyond, call the Oakland Police Department (510) 777-3333. 

One way you could help is to search Craigslist, or local flea markets, for any of the more unique instruments that were with us in the van:

-Amati Cello (in blue hard shell case)
-Lowrey Wandering Genie keyboard/organ
-Lowrey Genie Mach III Plus
-Larivee Acoustic Guitar
-1965 Fender Pedal Bass
-Mint Green Fender Excels
-Holy Grail Reverb Pedal (older style, large version)
-Roland SP-404 sampler (with dent on bottom face)
-Lyle semi-hollow body electric guitar
-Fender Vibroverb Guitar amp
-Roland KC-550 Keyboard amp
-Fishman acoustic amp
-4 piece Adonis drumset (wood finish)

Aug 09 2013

Brad Fritcher + trois collaboration with Mizpah

featuring members of Brad Fritcher + trois:
Brad Fritcher (trumpet)
Dutcher Snedeker (keys)
For more information on Mizpah please visit their Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and Facebook pages.

Aug 03 2013

Brad Fritcher + trois Vimeo & Youtube Channels are now LIVE!

Brother Bear Productions is pleased to announce 9 new videos by Brad Fritcher + trois.

Vimeo Channel

Youtube Channel

Aug 03 2013

ArtPrize 2013 Voting Code for Brad Fritcher + trois!

Brad Fritcher + trois is featured in ArtPrize 2013! Please use code #54627 to ?#?VOTE? for them as best ?#?Jazz? group for 2013!

Aug 03 2013

BBP Presents: Brad Fritcher + trois at Grand Rapids Ballet Season Kickoff Party!

Who: Brad Fritcher + trois
What: GR Ballet Season Kickoff Party
Where: TBA
Show: Cocktail Hour (6:30-7:30pm) Reception (8:30-10:00pm)
Price: TBA

Aug 03 2013

BBP Presents: Brad Fritcher + trois at ACWL Summer Concert Series 2013!

Who: Brad Fritcher + trois
What: ACWL SUmmer Concert Series
Where: Montague Band Shell - Montague MI
Doors: 6:00pm
Show: 7:00-8:30pm
Price: FREE

Aug 03 2013

BBP Presents: Brad Fritcher + trois at The Book Nook & Java Shop!

Who: Brad Fritcher + trois
What: An Evening of New Jazz Standards
Where: The Book Nook & Java Shop
Doors: 7:00pm
Show: 7:30-9:30pm
Price: $5.00

Aug 03 2013

BBP Presents: Brad Fritcher + trois at Eastown Streetfair 2013, 40th Anniversary!

Looking forward to presenting Brad Fritcher + trois at the 40th Anniversary of Eastown, Grand Rapids, Michigan's Eastown Street Fair! They will be playing Billy's Loungestage on September 14 from 12:30pm-1:15pm! 

Who: Brad Fritcher + trois
What: Eastown Streetfair 40th Anniversary
Where: Billy's Lounge
Doors: 12:00pm
Show: 12:30pm-1:15pm
Price: FREE

Aug 03 2013

Brother Bear Productions Presents Brad Fritcher + trois's Eastside Debut!

Brad Fritcher + trois's Eastside Debut to take place at!
When: Saturday, August 3rd
Where: 350 Madison St, Detroit, MI, 48226, US
Doors: 8pm
Show: 9pm-1am
Price: $10.00
All Ages

Aug 03 2013

Brad Fritcher + trois is looking to expand it's Jazz!

Brother Bear Productions is currently working to bring Brad Fritcher + trois's  music to Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, and beyond. Stay tuned.

Aug 03 2013

An Evening of Jazz with Brad Fritcher + trois Every Monday!

Remember to join Brad Fritcher + trois every Monday night at Skeetown Tavern in Muskegon, MI for live Jazz from 7pm-11pm. Special guest appearances by some great MI Jazz musicians are always welcome.

Aug 03 2013

Brad Fritcher + trois Album Press Release and Distribution!

Brad Fritcher + trois's album Blue Lake Studio Sessions is now available for digital downloading at the following: iTunes, Amazon MP3, Spotify,, Rhapsody, emusic, Bandcamp, Brother Bear Productions, 7digital, Google Play and more.