Oct 18 2013

Jazz Story of the Day


Serving jazz worldwide since 1995

Jazz Story of the Day

  • Brother Bear Productions

    "If there is any way to articulate the dharma of Brad Fritcher + trois, it is progressive. And their progress lies not in the encapsulated foundations of standards and accomplishments already achieved, it lies at the next stepping-stones of melodic emanations in Jazz music."  - Fortier

    We here at Brother Bear Productions love jazz because the sound is unparalleled. We met trumpeter Brad Fritcher and immediately decided to add jazz to our roster. Our advice to new listeners is to check our fresh new jazz quartet and ArtPrize 2013 Jazz Winners, Brad Fritcher + trois. The project consists of four eager musicians who are expanding their artistic vision beyond the strict confines of the jazz genre’s tradition. Their debut album, Blue Lake Studio Sessions is one that conveys each member’s ability to communicate intellectually and musically to themselves, each other and the listener. They continue to tether audiences to their concepts and their sound with live and intimate performances. Not to mention the press feels that the world needs to hear them. They are pushing the jazz envelope,  redefining the image of jazz, and these musicians have forever linked Brother Bear Productions to the world of jazz. We are grateful to be a part of their journey.

Oct 18 2013

ArtPrize 2013: Brad Fritcher + Trois, Modern Pioneers

ArtPrize 2013: Brad Fritcher + Trois, Modern Pioneers

With their win in the jazz category at St Cecelia Music Center,
Brad Fritcher + Trois allow themselves little time to celebrate.

Within the national semblance that ArtPrize has become, there is 
one medium in which artists must indefatigably labor to gain recognition: 
music. Brad Fritcher is the lead-man for experimental jazz band, Brad 
Fritcher + Trois, as well as the proprietor of an insatiable desire to reach 
the unknown. "New Jazz Standards" is the soul axiom for this young group 
of talented musicians: Brad Fritcher the trumpeter, Dutcher Snedeker on 
keyboard, Ryan Wallace on bass, and Christian Vanduinen on drums. 
With a few non-amicable confrontations with the "Jazz Police" — 
self-established Brahmans of definitive jazz — the band's goal is to break 
form with the traditional standards of Jazz music. They're out to discover 
new potentialities within music itself.

jazz, brother bear productions, Brad Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, ArtPrize 2013, BBP, BBPpresents, bear yovino, press

Originating from Flint, Michigan, Fritcher spent the majority of his childhood
on a farm; a 200 acre country-canvas to gallivant with a wild and restless
imagination."It's where my work ethic comes from," he grins. Notwithstanding
Disney's legendary Aristocats, one of his first musical influences was a record
of his grandfather's, whichhe admits, he was originally attracted to because
of the model posing lasciviously on the cover. That record sparked a profound,
lifelong infatuation with music. Fritcher never saw himself primarily as a jazz
musician until he discovered influences like Duke Ellington, John Coaltrain,
and Miles Davis, and found himself craving the genre. 
After meeting Grand Valley student, Dutcher Snedeker, Fritcher became
acquainted with Christian Vanduinen, a vigorous percussionist and music
student at Grand Rapids Community College. Bassist Ryan Wallace, also
a Grand Valley student, was introduced to the group, as well as their current
manager, Bear Yovino. "Bear is an animal," Brad explains. "He doesn't stop."
Fritcher originally hired Yovino to create a personality profile for the band,
and ever since, he and his company, Brother Bear Productions, has been a
tireless catalyst for the band and their aspirations. 
Though the group may already be thriving in fruitful compatibility, they are
still in their youth; their first rehearsals happened in January of 2013. With
the leadership of Brad Fritcher and manager Bear Yovino, Brad Fritcher + Trois
soon began booking gigs and finding new sounds, as well as publishing their
first album, Blue Lake Studio Sessions, a compilation of both original and
interpretational pieces. 
With their ArtPrize 2013 showcase at Saint Cecelia Music Center, Brad Fritcher
+ Trois placed first in the Jazz category, winning $2,000 in prize money, and
$1,000 in studio recording time. Despite the success, Fritcher believes they are
still far from accomplishing their final envisioned fruition. "I could talk about how
I want to sound, but to say I am even close..." 
Though he knows his goal is a thought without end, he feels anything but solace.
An erstwhile professor of his once shared an idea with him that if you are not
satisfied, then you are progressing, and if there is any way to articulate the
dharma of Brad Fritcher +Trois, it is progressive. And their progress lies not in
the encapsulated foundations of standards and accomplishments already
achieved, it lies at the next stepping-stones of melodic emanations in Jazz music.


jazz, brother bear productions, Brad Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, ArtPrize 2013, BBP, BBPpresents, bear yovino, press

Oct 18 2013

The Grand jazzes up Grand Haven for 5th year

This October roundup of West Michigan music news at Local Spins takes a peek at long-running jazz jams in Grand Haven..


By Mary Mattingly LocalSpins.com
27th August 2013

At first blush, it sounds like an unlikely night for a live music phenomenon.

But for five years running, The Grand Seafood & Oyster Bar in Grand Haven has turned Tuesday evenings into a jumpin’ jazz affair with a host of West Michigan musicians jamming with fellow jazz players and furthering their craft to the delight of lakeshore audiences.

“I look forward to it every week, even when I’m tired,” said bassist and guitarist Mike Drost, a Grand Valley State University jazz professor who moved to Grand Haven five years ago from Chicago. “I enjoy hanging out with the guys, talking shop. We play new tunes, it’s a great place to do that. When there are people there, they really appreciate it.”

Located in downtown Grand Haven, The Grand – with its sleek bar and intimate setting – hosts the jazz jams every Tuesday from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

With a menu that’s more upscale than the typical open-mic bar, the seaside theme of the restaurant keeps it cozy, with an eclectic fish tank mounted behind the bar. A dimly lit interior maintains an elegant, yet relaxed setting where diners can either tap their toes to live jazz or enjoy conversation.


Since the jazz jams first began in 2008, the venue has attracted everyone from professionals to local musicians just starting out.

“(The jams) are open to all,” said Drost, who serves as house bassist for the jams. “I like to encourage everyone, especially students, to come out and play. The owner is so gracious to have people come play every week.”

Drost first got involved thanks to Kája Lill, a GVSU student and bassist. Lill, after learning that Drost was a jazz guitarist, invited him out to the jams, which debuted in the summer of 2008 with musicians Scott Pellegrom, Lee Heerspink and Seth York.

Drost said he has enjoyed watching the evolution of players such as house drummer Jonathan Swanston and Lill, who has since moved to Texas.
“I watched Kája (Lill) become a great bass player,” Drost said. “We’ve had weird people come try to sit in. (The jams are) great during the winter when there’s not a lot going on.”

Although the bar is busier in the summer due to the tourist season, the jam is now focused on encouraging high school students to come out and play, with Drost emceeing.

“I want students to get the opportunity,” Drost said. “I had it when I was young. Teachers invited me to play in real-life experiences and it only served to further my playing chops.”


Dutcher Snedeker, a junior at Grand Valley State University and pianist for award-winning local jazz quartet Brad Fritcher + trois, took the position of house pianist this past July after Lill left West Michigan to pursue graduate school in Texas.

“I love the fact that we can collaborate with solid musicians every week and play a variety of tunes,” Snedeker said. “It’s a great way for all of us to improve as musicians, especially when guests sit in on different tunes. Each week has a different feel to it and keeps things interesting.”

Snedeker pointed out that a variety of musicians turn out for the sessions, including Fritcher and “some other locals from the nearby area.”

Players of all levels are welcome.

“Everybody who loves jazz, who wants to learn about it, come out and play,” Drost said. “Music is an educational experience, and it’s a nice place to hang out.”

Oct 18 2013

GVSU students take home ArtPrize award

GVSU students take home ArtPrize award

BBP, BBPpresents, bear yovino, Brad Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, jazz, brother bear productions, press

Dutcher Snedeker was leaving a recital and Brad Fritcher was waiting tables when the news rolled in from their manager Bear Yovino—their band Brad Fritcher Trois had won the jazz category in
The group of four is comprised of Grand Valley State University students Snedeker on piano and Ryan Wallace on upright bass, along with soon-to-be GVSU student Fritcher on trumpet and Christian VanDuinen on drums.
Throughout ArtPrize, they performed their piece ‘Smooth Silk’ at St. Cecilia’s Music Center and
Women’s City Club. The song, which was originally composed by Snedeker for the piano, came
together in chunks.
“I poked my professor’s brain for ideas, and while he said a couple of things, it was his overall desire for something ‘non-modal’ that drove me to add the key change and develop the rest of the song into something that ended more upbeat and rhythmic,” Snedeker said.
After the piece was finished, Snedeker brought it to the rest of the group, and they further developed each individual part, he said.
“It was one of the first tunes that we all read as like a framework, and we were all like ‘Wow, this is a great tune. Good job, Dutcher. We’ll use this,’” Fritcher said.
Once the final album was complete, they decided to enter it into ArtPrize, where they got the
opportunity to perform four times for a variety of different people.
“We felt great as a group, and we pushed really hard for votes and to have folks listen to the tunes live,” Snedeker said. “We all are busy with other projects and commitments, too, so to have some great performances come together so naturally was a great feeling, and it shows how committed everyone is to the group.”
It is that feeling of being a group that keeps the band progressing forward in their work.
“The award is really cool, but really all four of us are just trying to work really hard to collectively make four individual sounds bigger than just four people,” Fritcher said.
As they move into recording their new album, they will continue to produce music that is not
considered ‘stuffy,’ he said.
“I hate to say it, in some realms, people think jazz turns into the upperclass music and it doesn’t have to be that way,” Fritcher said. “We’re just trying to continue the art form—the jazz tradition.”
Although they do want to keep up with tradition, their music cannot be simply classified as jazz alone, Snedeker said. Their music also incorporates hip hop, R-n-B, rock, metal and many other stylistic elements.
“Jazz often has a slightly rigid appearance attached to it, and we are part of the movement of both moving jazz forward and connecting the past and present histories of the genre to our listeners,” Snedeker said. “We look forward to bringing our music to more venues in Grand Rapids and we encourage any Laker to bring a friend and come hang out.”
As the jazz category winners, the band received $2,000 of prize money and will begin recording its new album in the very near future. The members hope to release within the next four months.
To say thank you to ArtPrize voters, their current album can be purchased at: brotherbearproductions.bandcamp.com/album/blue-lake-studio-sessions for a discounted price.

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Oct 18 2013

Win ‘could not have come at a better time’ for Brad Fritcher + trois


Bear Yovino, who represents Brad Fritcher + trois, reports that the band – which he calls “a hidden treasure” in West Michigan – was “stoked” upon hearing the good news about the award, which Yovino says is proof that “the growth of the band will come sooner than anticipated.”

“We now have an open door to record the new album, provide hard copy CDs for sale, and maybe offer a limited edition vinyl. We are all very thankful,” he told Local Spins

“This could not have come at a better time for everyone involved. … They are professional, true to themselves, true to their music, and true to their fans."

• Jazz: Brad Fritcher & Trois’ “Smooth Silk” (Listen to it online here.) Read the Artist Spotlight feature on Brad Fritcher + trois at Local Spins, and find more information about the band online here.

Oct 18 2013

ArtPrize 2013: St. Cecilia Music Center names 5 winners of $2,000 each

ArtPrize 2013: St. Cecilia Music Center names 5 winners of $2,000 each 

BBP, BBPpresents, bear yovino, ArtPrize 2013, Brad Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, brother bear productions, jazz, press
Brad Fritcher + trois's ArtPrize entry, "Smooth Silk," was awarded $2,000 in the jazz category. (photo by BBP)

By John Serba | jserba@mlive.com 
Follow on Twitter 
on September 29, 2013 at 2:24 PM

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - St. Cecilia Music Center, the musical hub for ArtPrize 2013, awarded $10,000 in prizes today.

Five $2,000 awards were handed out to artists in five categories, during ArtPrize's Top 10 announcement ceremony at Rosa Parks Circle. Winners were determined by popular vote, notably outside of regular ArtPrize voting.

The five winners are:

ArtPrize musical entries were eligible for the $360,000 in total prizes in the competition, although none of them ended up in the Top 10, selected by popular vote. Musical entries are also eligible for the Jury Award in the performance/time-based category.

St. Cecilia first became an ArtPrize exhibition center in 2011, but didn't begin offering the $2,000 prizes until 2012.

Oct 18 2013

Brad Fritcher + trois shake up ‘living art form’ and push the jazz envelope

The emerging band featuring students from Grand Valley State University and Grand Rapids Community College already has released an impressive modern jazz debut album, with some high-profile performances ahead.

Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, brother bear productions, jazz, press
Reinventing Jazz: Brad Fritcher + trois
By Mary Mattingly
Posted: 27th August 2013 by John in Local Spins Artist Spotlights

Brad Fritcher + trois is out to redefine the image of jazz.

The group, led by trumpeter Brad Fritcher, features four college-age musicians with roots in a variety of genres — classical to metal — with a mission to modernize jazz for today’s audience.

“It’s 2013, and people think of jazz as stuff that happened 70 years ago,” said Fritcher, a Flint native. “It is still a living art form, an American art form. We’re trying to broaden a term that is still seen as old-fashioned.”
Brad Fritcher + trois got its start with Fritcher, a former Mott Community College student who’s currently completing his degree at Grand Valley State University. Joining him are GVSU students Dutcher Snedeker on piano and Ryan Wallace on bass, and Grand Rapids Community College student Christian Van Duinen on drums.


Brad Fritcher + trois, "Blue Lake Studio Sessions" Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, brother bear productions, jazz, press
Brad Fritcher + trois, “Blue Lake Studio Sessions”
Though the group just formed earlier this year, it already has released an album (“Blue Lake Studio Sessions”), appeared on Blue Lake Public Radio and played Detroit’s Jazz Cafe at Music Hall. Performing both original material and jazz standards, the group undeniably has developed its own flavor.

“We might play a blazing swing tune, a Walter Smith III tune, originals conceived in the vein of Jaga Jazzist or Robert Glasper, or arrangements of hip-hop and grunge tunes in the same set,” said Snedeker, who’s from Grand Rapids and graduated from City High School.

“We’re casually working in tunes of nowadays, making them new jazz standards,” Fritcher added. “We recently worked on an arrangement of Jay Z and Kanye West’s ‘No Church in the Wild.’ ”

Fritcher met his fellow musicians through mutual friends. While studying at Mott in Flint, he had assembled a few groups, but never found the right mix of personalities.

“I had a vision: for a group to grow like a brotherhood,” he said, “and find that balance between traditional musical backgrounds and instruments, as well as being able to move concisely between the notions of what improvisational music has become.”


After moving to Muskegon, Fritcher got in touch with Snedeker. The two discovered that their goals of musicianship and professionalism were in sync. After adding Van Duinen, a graduate of Northview High School, the group began life as a trio, practicing weekly in the office of affiliate GVSU professor Tim Froncek, himself a much-in-demand jazz drummer across the state.

Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, brother bear productions, jazz, press
Brad Fritcher
“It just clicked with these guys,” Fritcher said. “We all listened really well to each other and played off each other’s energies. After [improvising] I knew something was going on.” Soon, bassist Ryan Wallace, who graduated from Rockford High School, was added to round out the mix.

“Sometimes there is a weak link in a group that holds others back from playing to their fullest potential, but not so with this group,” Snedeker said. “Everyone knows what they want out of music and everyone works hard to improve, while not getting overconfident after a great gig.”

After Wallace joined the fold, the group hit the ground running — writing and performing, and signing with Bear Yovino of Brother Bear Productions. Even before releasing “Blue Lake Sessions” in June, the group was busy snagging a spot this past May on “Jazz From Blue Lake,” a radio show hosted by Lazaro Vega.


The band also entered a Snedeker song, “Smooth Silk,” from their new album as an entry in this year’s ArtPrize competition, which once again features a separate song contest hosted by St. Cecilia Music Center. As part of that competition, Brad Fritcher + trois will perform in St. Cecilia’s Royce Auditorium at 2:15 p.m. Sept. 22 during a three-day Musicians’ Showcase. (Read more about the showcase and song contest in this Local Spins story.)

Brad Fritcher, Brad Fritcher + trois, brother bear productions, jazz, press
Brad Fritcher + trois
Though the group hopes to update jazz, members are not dissing the classics.

“We’re picking up on the vein of what is happening, but have the original intent,” Fritcher said. “We play with integrity. The old tunes are great, you should know them. We are updating things so that people can relate to them.”

Overall, Brad Fritcher + trois hopes to create an experience for the audience that is truly the band’s music.

“We are just trying to be as honest as possible,” Fritcher. “We’re not trying to show off how technical we are but show an emotional experience that may create an experience for the audience. We want to dig in, push past mistakes and really open ourselves up to the crowd.”

For more information about the band, visit this Brother Bear Productions artist page.

Oct 18 2013

Local group defines jazz in its own way

Multi-faceted musicians make up a multi-faceted band. Hailing from a variety of genres—everything from classical to metal to jazz—Brad Fritcher + trois has taken off in the past few months, finding an enormous amount of success in a short amount of time.
“We have a jazz base, but we love fusing together our styles and influences to create a diverse experience for the audience,” pianist Dutcher Snedeker said.
Brad Fritcher + trois is made up of Brad Fritcher on trumpet, Dutcher Snedeker on piano, Ryan Wallace on bass and Christian VanDuinen on drums. While Grand Valley State University can only claim Snedeker and Wallace as students, the group is a refreshing collaboration between GVSU students and local, accomplished musicians.
Though it formed only a few months ago, it has already released an album and appeared on Blue Lake Public Radio. Performing original material and jazz standards, the group has undeniably developed its own flavor.
“Tunes are written mainly by myself and [Fritcher],” Snedeker said. “[However], we all contribute to the final arrangement, as some tunes are jazz standards that we take in our own way.”
Sets often consist of a true blend of genres.
“We might play a blazing swing tune, a Walter Smith III tune, originals conceived in the vein of Jaga Jazzist or Robert Glasper, or arrangements of hip hop and grunge tunes in the same set,” Snedeker said.
Now a junior at GVSU majoring in piano performance, he has been with the group since its inception.
“Brad Fritcher was looking to make a group and we got connected a little after the start of second semester [in 2013],” Snedeker said. “After a couple of meetings, we brought drummer Christian VanDuinen into the fold, and then shortly after Ryan Wallace was added to round out the group around Spring Break.”
Once it formed, the group immediately got to work.
“Before we even got regular gigs together we recorded our album at Blue Lake Public Radio’s studio,” Snedeker said.
The album, “Blue Lake Studio Sessions,” was released June 11 and is currently available for streaming. With an eclectic array of tunes ranging from smooth jazz to more experimental tracks, the loosely-defined jazz album features original tracks such as “Smooth Silk” and “Sunset West.” Listeners can count on smoky interjections of trumpet, stable, driving bass lines and waterfall-like piano playing, with a rock steady drum core grounding the sound.
Even before the album was released, the group was busy performing, snagging a spot May 13 on a Blue Lake Radio show hosted by Lazaro Vega, a former jazz writer for the Grand Rapids Free Press. The band is not about to slow down either; it will already be heading back to the recording studio before the beginning of the 2013 fall semester.
“We will be in the studio this Fall to record album two,” Snedeker said. “So, we are working hard on shelling out tunes that are more modern, more challenging as a group to play, and arrangements and originals that are distinct in their presence on the album.”
Aside from preparing for its second trip to the recording studio, the group currently plays every Monday night at Skeetown Tavern in Muskegon. Upcoming performances include a show at downtown Grand Rapids’ Eastown Street Fair on September 14.
“We are also set to play Art Prize 2013 in the Fall, and our venue will be St. Cecelia,” Snedeker said. “We are entering the track ‘Smooth Silk’ off our album, a track that I wrote for the group.”
Brad Fritcher + trois offers the group invaluable experience in what it’s like to be a professional musician.
“We all gain knowledge and experience from each other, which is always great,” Snedeker said. “The best part is just knowing that while we’ll all make mistakes, we can trust each other to compensate and hold our ground, rather than having to be the platform that holds another player up…Sometimes there is a weak link in a group that holds others back from playing to their fullest potential, but not so with this group. Everyone knows what they want out of music and everyone works hard to improve while not getting overconfident after a great gig.”
The group looks forward to the future and is tackling its goals one at a time.
“We’re very excited to get album two going,” Snedeker said. “It’s going to be an even better session.”
For more information about future gigs, visit brotherbearproductions.com/?artist=brad-fritcher-trois.

Aug 12 2013

The Brad Fritcher + trois project to perform Aug. 13 in Montague

White Lake Beacon General News

Posted: 8-12-2013

photo by Brother Bear Productions

The Brad Fritcher + trois project (pronounced Buh-rad Ph-rich-er plus twah) consists of four eager musicians who are expanding their artistic vision beyond the strict confines of the jazz genre’s tradition.
After their first rehearsal on Grand Valley State University’s campus, the trio of Brad Fritcher (trumpet), Dutcher Snedeker (piano) and Christian VanDuinen (drums) knew immediately that they were working with something valuable. Shortly thereafter, Ryan Wallace drifted into the bass position and into the studio at Blue Lake Public Radio they went. The album that came forth is one that conveys each member’s ability to communicate intellectually and musically to themselves, each other and the listener. After the release of the album, the Brad Fritcher + trois continues to tether audiences to their concepts and their sound with live and intimate performances.

The Arts Council of White Lake welcomes The Brad Fritcher + trois project to its free Tuesday Night Concert Series on Tuesday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m., at the Montague Band Shell.

Fritcher is a true artist, and his artistic interests go well beyond music. Fritcher uses music to paint a portrait of himself and his influences. He pays a musical tribute to artists such as Flying Lotus, Terence Blanchard, Medeski Martin and Wood, Talib Kweli, John Coltrane and The Mars Volta. With their new album out Blue Lake Studio Sessions, on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and Spotify, it is surely an album that will hold the interest of music fans of nearly any genre. Fritcher’s music will challenge listeners’ perception of jazz and help fans gain a better understanding of who Brad Fritcher is, not just as a musician, but as an artist and a person.

Snedeker is a Grand Rapids pianist with a long history of performance. Coming from a musical family filled with parents, three uncles, and grandparents who have all made a path in music, he has grown surrounded by a variety of music styles. A current sophomore at GVSU, his classical training of 13 years, combined with six years of performing jazz, all meet with a desire to blend styles from metal to Jazz to R&B. Taking in the teachings of local pianists like Giuseppe Lupis, Steve Talaga, and Kurt Ellenburger, the balance between the Classical and Jazz world became easier to bridge and opportunities started to come forward. From gigging in Jazz combos and Rock groups, to accompanying saxophonists and Jazz artists like Downie, joining Brad Fitcher in his pursuit of creating live, personal music that blends styles and gets others to groove and connect with one another feels like the next natural step.Dutcher has been a musician for his entire life in Grand Rapids, in urban ministries, in a Gospel/Contemporary Christian worship settings, at local music festivals, and for weddings and special events.

At the age of eight, VanDuinen became interested in drums and started to take lessons from various local drum kit teachers. VanDuinen graduated from an excellent music program at Northview High School; where he played in Jazz Ensemble, Combo and also sang in the Honor’s Choir; Varsity Voices. He has performed at the Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, The Irish on Ionia Festival, the Detroit Jazz Festival and numerous others. He is a merit winner in the category of ‘Contemporary Instrumental Ensemble’ for the National Fine Arts of the Assemblies of God churches.

VanDuinen is currently studying Music Education and Composition at Grand Rapids Community College. He plays in several groups in Grand Rapids, including the Billies Irish Band, Grand River Winds and Brad Fritcher + trois. VanDuinen plans to finish his Associates of the Arts at GRCC and attend Western Michigan University to study further in his chosen path.

From concert halls, to jazz clubs, to punk houses, Wallace has been performing all of his life. Experimenting in many genres has given him the ability to find the groove and keep his sound interesting. He is always looking to expand his abilities, and is always ready for the next adventure.

No matter what style of music pleases you, the Brad Fritcher + trois project will sure to keep its audience guessing at what they are going to pull out next. They will be returning to Montague from 7:30-9:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 17 to perform at the Book Nook and Java Shop.

For more information on Brad Fritcher + trois project, contact Brother Bear Productions at http://brotherbearproductions.com or the ACWL atwww.artswhitelake.org or 231-893-2524.

Aug 12 2013

Android users, Get the FREE Brad Fritcher + trois App!

Android users can download the FREE Brad Fritcher + trois App! Stay up-to-date with the latest videos, photos, news, and tour schedule. You may scan the QR code or follow the directions.

Aug 12 2013

Brad Fritcher joins Garrett Borns to record Mary Brown!

Check out trumpeter Brad Fritcher of Brad Fritcher + trois playing upright bass on the recording of Mary Brown by Los Angeles based singer, multi-intrumentalist & song writer Garrett Borns!‪ #‎børns‬ ‪#‎garrettborns‬ ‪#‎BBPpresents‬ ‪#‎BFplustrois‬ ‪#‎nextlevel‬‪ #‎revue‬ ‪#‎marybrown‬